Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My, Oh My!

Is it really Wednesday?!  I am so out of synch since our trip.  March was nuts and April hasn't slowed down yet.  Who knows if it ever will.  Brian got back from his trip on the 24th (just in time to help fight the lice attack in Sarah's hair!) and then we left on the 29th for Matt's baseball spring training week in Vero Beach, FL.  We rolled back in late Saturday night, just in time for Easter.  

Easter was pretty low key this year.  Brian grilled pork chops and I made lima beans, mashed potatoes, and bread.  It was pretty much whatever I could find to fix. The rest of the day was spent putting trip stuff away, doing laundry, kills me to have to admit this...going to Walmart.  Really?!  Walmart on Easter?!  I think it was a first and hopefully a last, but the kids had to have something to fix for their lunches.

Since Sunday I've been working on getting the house back together, laundry, creating a menu (with "writers block"), grocery shopping, laundry, removing pavers from the front flower bed, babysitting two beautiful and funny girls one day and then two adorable and energetic boys another day, some preliminary college searching online for Matt, and laundry.  Have I mentioned I've also been doing laundry?

I haven't had a chance to upload all the pictures from our trip, but hopefully I will get a chance to work on that tonight!  I can't wait to show you some of the great things we did! I also need to show you the work I did in the garage while Brian was gone. Why I tackle these projects while he's gone, I just don't know.  Somehow it just seems easier that way...until I'm half way through, exhausted, and second guessing myself.  I'm really beginning to think I'm certifiable!  

Living thru faith,

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